Zoeken | Unica


Soort: Segment | Datum:
Datacenters Digital technology, the internet and data make life easier and more fun in many ways. As an architect of datacenters, Unica has many years of experience in building and maintaining these high-grade, complex ICT environments where digital technology comes together. Security, sustainability and availability are key here. Cross-border …
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Industry and Engineering For Unica, one of the largest technical building services providers in the Netherlands, the engineering and industrial sector is an important part of our client base. Unica works with numerous clients in this versatile sector and provides integrated services tailored to their needs. Unica can provide support in industry …
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Education Every day, schools and universities provide education to prepare pupils and students for a bright future. A healthy climate in education buildings has a significant influence on learning outcomes. A healthy building also contributes to the comfort and well-being of pupils, teachers, employees and visitors.  Smart and healthy education …
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Government Public buildings are used by hundreds of employees, visitors and members of the general public. Every public institution wants to be an open and accessible institution and offer a pleasant environment to work and stay in. Having a well-functioning building is an important precondition for this. Strong in the public sector Research has …
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Retail and Trade Warm in winter, cool in summer. It may seem simple, but in the end that is the basic wish when it comes to the climate in shops and other commercial spaces. Automatically controlled heating, lighting that automatically adjusts to the available daylight and security systems that protect employees and clients. Unica takes care of …
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Sports, Culture and Hospitality For a hotel, sports facility, theatre, wellness centre or swimming pool, customers of course always come first. Unica helps organisations in the sports, culture & hospitality sector with technical solutions so that their customers enjoy their facilities even more. Unica keeps customer satisfaction high   Unica is …
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Transport and Logistics Continuity, safety and speed are key in the world of transport and logistics. Unica understands this and tailors its technological solutions to these priorities. Unica has in-depth knowledge and experience in optimising processes to increase the cost-effectiveness of operations at transport and logistics organisations, …
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Real Estate The occupancy level of buildings is crucial for real estate owners. As an integral partner for building systems, Unica is happy to share ideas with owners to make and keep their buildings as attractive as possible. Key concepts in this respect are comfort, safety, sustainability and integrated services. Integrated services As an …
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Business and Financial Services The realisation and maintenance of building systems for office environments are core competencies of Unica. Unica has built, refurbished and renovated many office buildings for business and financial service providers. Clients can count on a solution that is fully tailored to the needs of office users. Unica offers …
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Healthcare Unica has been a valued partner for hospitals and other healthcare institutions for years. Regardless of whether it concerns a new-build or renovation project, management and maintenance; Unica can take care of all aspects of buildings systems management for healthcare organisations, enabling them to fully focus on their core business: …
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Industrie & Techniek In de sector industrie en techniek is brandveiligheid een hoge prioriteit. Om tot een passend brandbeveiligingsconcept te komen is het belangrijk om eerst het productieproces goed te doorgronden. Door het productieproces volledig mee te nemen in de conceptvorming en de planning kan Unica Fire Safety de brandveiligheid op de …
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Overheid Brandveiligheid in de overheidssector: Gedegen aanpak en maatwerkoplossing Het waarborgen van de brandveiligheid van zowel personeel als bezoekers in openbare gebouwen zoals gemeentehuizen, gerechtsgebouwen, zwembaden en bibliotheken staat voorop. Unica Fire Safety biedt op maat gemaakte brandveiligheidsoplossingen om branden snel en …
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Onderwijs In onderwijsgebouwen zijn overdag meestal veel mensen aanwezig. Brand kan daardoor grote gevolgen hebben voor de veiligheid van de gebruikers van het gebouw. Het waarborgen van de veiligheid van zowel personeel als leerlingen is van groot belang. Een tijdige en veilige evacuatie is dan ook essentieel voor scholen. Brand kan men helaas …
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Zorg In de zorgsector is sprake van een verhoogd risico bij brand. Zo is de kans op slachtoffers aanzienlijk groter wanneer er niet-zelfredzame personen aanwezig zijn die het pand niet zelfstandig kunnen ontvluchten bij een evacuatie. Maatregelen om brand te voorkomen zijn dan ook onmisbaar om het gebouw, de mensen en de medische apparatuur tegen …
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Vastgoed Vastgoed wordt gebouwd om er decennialang gebruik van te kunnen maken. Een vastgoedeigenaar is vanuit de wet- en regelgeving verantwoordelijk voor de brandveiligheid van het gebouw. De zorgplicht die in de Woningwet staat omschreven maakt de gebouweigenaar tevens verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid van de gebruikers van het gebouw. Naast …